I feel so tired but famous I have my photo in the Telegraph and argus today with Dawnie & Soph as the headline says optomistically Marathon Runners to help funds, then details our chosen charities, so thats good, and im on the front page of the works mint online magazine so everyone knows me at work now, amazed that people who ive never met have sponsored me, seriously impressed by there generosity, Im so busy at work with changes and new systems being installed life is hectic, as I write this theres a band on jools holland playing a song run run run, id pop it on my ipod but dont have the energy to get of the sofa, on a good note having thought that I wouldnt get to the start line a couple of weeks ago, I now am fairly sure that I will, bar getting run over by a bus, that is possible because ive been tapping first bus drivers for sponsorship, and bless em they have been most generous, as have relatives colleagues and friends, now though I still still a sore ankle, I have bought some magnetic plasters, freeze spray, and ibubrofin, what with that and my lucky red striped hat, prayer beads, lucky earings, the ritual turning round 3 times, etc etc and a few gels.
I cant stop eating I mean eating eating, with the excuse of carbo loading I will soon look like michelin man, but hopefully by the end of 26.2 miles someone slightly more resembling an athlete might appear, who am I trying to kid, myself of course, think the impossible perchance to dream,
so im all set, one more appointment with Penny Pain, get packed, and ready to go. x