Sunday, 4 November 2012
Ripley Guy Fawkes 10 miler
After feeling quite apprehensive about this race, I non the less set of, little did I know how apt my hat would be , with the cool running motif on it, (the film is an absolute must if you havent seen it by the way) it was cool all right , nothing short of bloody freezing, this race has always been a challenge, throwing up some interesting conditions extreme rain one year, and this year was no different, going past the waterfall it a gust of wind was nothing short of arctic, it took me a good 3 miles to thaw my hands out, but I was pleased that I had opted for the long running leggings, especially when I saw heroic runners like Dawn running in shorts, and Jules in her vest, beyond belief these yorkshire lasses, theres me in gloves, snood over my mouth cap on top looking a complete dork, vainly trying to keep some heat in. Anyway I plodded on, telling myself its less than a half get on with it dodged the mud then at mile 5 ish the first of the hills, The Birstwith Bastard I prefer it to be called, I told myself no walking up the hills thats where you overtake walkers, by sheer persistence I did shuffle up in some sort of way but I didnt walk and was so chuffed that the visibility was so poor I couldnt see the top of the hill, so was not put of, after that slow climb the reward of the downhill stretch and the next hills didnt seem so bad, at the finish I could hear the shouts of the frozen supporters,and the club gang, willing me up that final hill, I attempted a feeble 200 sprint of all things, must have looked like a stumble, but I suprised myself and overtook 2 people on the final hill, coming home with a 10 mile pb by a minute or so to another great technical t and lots of lovely chocolate, well done everyone, finally thanks to all the great marshals, Nidd organisers, for another grueling challenge done. Thanks to guy love the boots.x
Sunday, 28 October 2012
National Championship Hill Climb.
Its been over a year since I blogged last , but today I feel the need to do so, having spent a day on a hill at Ramsbottom watching the
R.T.T.C 2012 National Championship Hill Climb.
Sounds simple enough a race up a hill.
However I can only say how amazed I was by the commitment to the painful lung busting, eye popping straining effort made by all 150 participants. Being slightly biased as my son was one of these, when I arrived he was cycling slowly around soaking up the mood of the moment, the road was being closed, so complete cowbell kindly lent, we went half way up the Rake hill to the pub, Rose and Crown, where a log fire warmed us, as we waited for number 77, in these cycling races the participants start exactly a minute apart, according to previous race results, the fastest should be the last.
The support crew were brilliant marshalling with patience and tenacity in the continuous rain, with hundreds of supporters, great job.
Im very proud of my son who did so well, as did all in spite of the rain not stopping for a minute, a thoroughly enjoyable day, well done all.
1st Jack Puller
2nd Gunner Gronlund
3rd Matt Clinton
ah well back to the jogging, but perhaps I will take the bike out for a go. Not nearly as beautiful or light or colour coordinated with clothing as our Pauls, but all good.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
taper time london marathon

I feel so tired but famous I have my photo in the Telegraph and argus today with Dawnie & Soph as the headline says optomistically Marathon Runners to help funds, then details our chosen charities, so thats good, and im on the front page of the works mint online magazine so everyone knows me at work now, amazed that people who ive never met have sponsored me, seriously impressed by there generosity, Im so busy at work with changes and new systems being installed life is hectic, as I write this theres a band on jools holland playing a song run run run, id pop it on my ipod but dont have the energy to get of the sofa, on a good note having thought that I wouldnt get to the start line a couple of weeks ago, I now am fairly sure that I will, bar getting run over by a bus, that is possible because ive been tapping first bus drivers for sponsorship, and bless em they have been most generous, as have relatives colleagues and friends, now though I still still a sore ankle, I have bought some magnetic plasters, freeze spray, and ibubrofin, what with that and my lucky red striped hat, prayer beads, lucky earings, the ritual turning round 3 times, etc etc and a few gels.
I cant stop eating I mean eating eating, with the excuse of carbo loading I will soon look like michelin man, but hopefully by the end of 26.2 miles someone slightly more resembling an athlete might appear, who am I trying to kid, myself of course, think the impossible perchance to dream,
so im all set, one more appointment with Penny Pain, get packed, and ready to go. x
Saturday, 9 April 2011
London Marathon
Well its been a while since I blogged so here it is I was feeling very sorry for myself as my ankle started flaring up, my back was hurting my hip my IT, pli, whatever in fact everything almost on one side of my body, all stemming from the ankle, so I have been bad tempered, moaning, irritating and trying Ians patience somewhat, which seriously takes some doing, but I managed it. I thought my achilles was sore as well. so I went to see Penny Pain as we like to call her, and after twanging my I T band Im sure she thought it was boomerang and various other agonizing pummelings my mind was if nothing else distracted,so with 3 pages of exercises, I went home feeling like there there was some hope for me left.after telling me it could be done with the stretches, I then went to Illona suprise session, who was standing in for Brian at horsefall for the track session I couldnt manage the complete session but did try, however called it a night at the hour point, I just felt to cold and shivery, we normally do two hours plus strides etc, however the next day my ankle started to feel easier when walking down the stairs in the morning , so i went to club and did a 5 mile stop start run, it was great to be at the club and reminded me what I run for, the people, the company. and then parkrun today, a good run, and time as well for me, though if id really pushed it a bit a pb could have been there. sunday tomorrow is a 45 min out and 45 min back with a finale at tobys t rooms.
This time spent training has taught me so much, the journey has been a real lesson in life, that at 57 years old its still possible aim for things like the Marathon, and thats its the journey that is most of it, the running in winter the rain and snow, but the people along the way who have helped have amazed me, from dragging me round Hyde park to stretch out a long run to 16miles, to pushing through the 18mile at trimple, for being there for me when im miserable, depressed, bad tempered and upset, and Ian for being brilliant, thankyou all so very much, x
This time spent training has taught me so much, the journey has been a real lesson in life, that at 57 years old its still possible aim for things like the Marathon, and thats its the journey that is most of it, the running in winter the rain and snow, but the people along the way who have helped have amazed me, from dragging me round Hyde park to stretch out a long run to 16miles, to pushing through the 18mile at trimple, for being there for me when im miserable, depressed, bad tempered and upset, and Ian for being brilliant, thankyou all so very much, x
Sunday, 27 March 2011
london marathon
ah well the best laid plans an all that, a virus cold cough thingy has caused me some worry,thinking I was fully recovered, I went out bright and bushy tailed at the crack of a sparrows fart, 5:15 to be precise for a trot out for 4 hrs or to leeds the long way on sat, well that was the plan ...... all went well to start I saw Ali on the way she was going to work and spotted me at Saltaire, on I went along the canal then it hit me stomach cramps like never before, and and quick dash to the loo, well to the nearest bit of dense hedge, ok so I thought on we go along the path but my time was so slow a good couple of minutes per mile slower, and then i felt cold and shivery, it was no good I walked to the main road found that I was at Rodley so caught the first bus that came along, it was going to leeds, I felt dreadful cold so I put my trckies and sweatshirt on then began to feel a bit warmer, once in leeds, I realised that I needed to get some food onboard so had a hot sweet chai tea, plus a bagel, a with my tail between my legs headed home on the 72 bus, I put it down to not being completely recovered from bloody cough/virus/bug thing, and perhaps it being a bit much to expect my old body to do another long run 6 days after the last one, perhaps a bit of both. still I always seem to learn the hard, and although ive not done the 22 I wanted I just hope that I have done enough to get around... and that my cough well it just stops.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
London Marathon
What a week, a hard week really, recovery from 18miler on sunday, I was so slow I was disappointed, but I did it, 9 out and back over to Thornton Hilltop, on Denholme up past flappits back over top of Thornton then downhill at last to home. It took it out of me I more than I thought really. but tues with saltaire striders proved a step to soon as I had a job keeping up, my legs felt really heavy, by Thursdays sprints session though I felt good, and was chuffed with the results being equal over 10 reps. sat I jogged to parkrun for my 49th run with parkrun so close now to the 50th and the famous red T shirt, as work means that I can only do every other week it seems an age in coming but in two weeks time I shall qualify. Sunday is Snake lane 10 miler and I will enjoy it, a slightly lower milage week this but theres Trimpell 20 and Im not sure how Ill do in that, in fact im not sure im going to get through it, but im sure going to give it a go and there will be some good buddies there, hopefully will keep this tired old jogger going the distance, on a more optimistic note, the mornings are getting lighter and its warmer (a bit) so its all good and Im doing it, its only a few weeks left allowing for taper hardly any time at all really, a blink of the eye and it will be be over, what a journey this is one of the most achieving things that I have ever done, well nearly done. :-)
Saturday, 12 February 2011
A little further
I decided during the week that I would try and do my first run more than a half maybe 14 or 15 anyway I worked it out from my home to leeds via 618 and 72 bus routes would take approx 13 miles well I thought why not do it in time to do the parkrun in hyde park. the only problem was the early start and the time but what the hell I could get a snooze in the afternoon, so alarm woke me at 5 am and out of the door by 6am was the plan id never run the streets of bradford at this early hour before and it was a pleasant experience, quiet and peaceful I stopped a couple of times at mcdonalds thankfully open early for loo breaks, and trotted on towards leeds, starting in the dark when I got to the park the starlings were singing and I had 20 mins or so to wait for the parkrun to start and Id done 13 miles, at the start I saw Kay and Liz they said they would help me round and didnt they just, it hurt everything hurt this was new ground for me, Kay said I was a marathon runner, that kept me going, I had a winge about work, and got round I thank you both , after I had full breakfast naughty but nice, I should have had a more healthy option but once in a blue moon wont hurt, I am grateful to Diane for a much appreciated lift home, its all good if a little sore, :-)
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